Green Tea vs. Black Tea - Which Will Give You Greater Health Benefits?


It is not only fashionable to rely on natural products for maintaining your good health; they are often more beneficial compared to the standard pills we take and actually have far fewer side effects. At present, green tea is the most popular natural herbal product. It has various beneficial properties – antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-aging and anti-cancer. It can protect you from a wide range of conditions such as cancer, heart attack stroke, diabetes and cirrhosis. However, black tea is traditionally more popular in none-Asian countries, including the Arab world. Hence, it is only natural to ask which is better for you.

Green tea and black tea are made from the leaves of one and the same plant - Camellia Sinensis. The difference between them comes from their processing. The leaves for green tea are steamed or heated immediately after picking. Then they are left to dry. The leaves for black tea go through fermentation first. Throughout this stage of the processing oxidation occurs. Simply put, some of the beneficial antioxidants in the leaves of the plant are transformed into other chemical substances. This happens to epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in particular.

Up until recently, it was thought that the lack of EGCG in black tea makes it much less beneficial for the health than green tea. This is a perfectly normal assumption, since this catechin has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, to protect the cells from viruses and to prevent the formation of plague in the brain. Since EGCG is not abundantly present in black tea, the beverage was not fully studied until recently. Now we have the results from several studies which show that green and black tea contain almost the same amounts of polyphenols. Even though EGCG is not abundantly present in black tea, other antioxidants namely, theflavins and thearubigens have similar powerful effects on the body.

Research on black tea is not as extensive as on green tea, but there is some optimistic evidence for its beneficial effects on humans. Several studies have revealed that black tea can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 50%. Other studies have proven that the antioxidants in this beverage can effectively combat free radicals and offer protection from various diseases such as atherosclerosis, cirrhosis and cancer.

It will not be a mistake to say that black tea is inferior to green tea. However, the effects of green tea have been more fully studied and have got larger confirmation, even though more research is necessary. Hence, you might consider sticking to green tea, if you do not have specific preferences. Still, this does not mean that you should not sip black tea from time to time. It is good for you plus its flavor and aroma are much richer. It might even have a specific fruity or chocolaty aftertaste which can make it even more delicious.

When consuming green or black tea, you have to take into account the amount of caffeine they contain. Several studies have found that the concentration of caffeine in black tea is approximately two times larger than in green tea. This means that you might experience any unpleasant side effects on a larger scale. The higher concentration of caffeine in the body can lead to sleeping problems, increased heart pulse and lightheadedness. In addition, this antioxidant is known to interfere with the ingredients of some medications, when it is present in larger amounts.

Still, if you are perfectly healthy, you will actually get a number of benefits from caffeine. It aids boosts metabolism, increases the flexibility of the blood vessels and enhances endurance. Some studies show that it can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes, colon cancer and Parkinson’s disease. Research is ongoing, but the results are extremely promising.

Overall, it is up to you to decide whether to drink green tea or black tea. Generally, both of them will give you a wide range of health benefits. The important thing is to use high quality leaves for the brewing of the beverage. In this way, you will make the most out of each type of tea. You should be careful regarding the dosage also. For optimal results, you should not have more than 5 to 6 cups a day.